The influence of substrate on mushroom productivity

Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Crop Science - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 7


Utilization of different agricultural waste for production of different species of mushroom could be more economically and ecologically practical to meet the nutritional and health needs of ever increasing world population. Mushrooms are grown on a great variety of substrates and the choice of substrate depends on availability and cost. This is on the background that momentous variation on biological efficiency, mushroom nutritive content and yield on different substrate weight have been reported worldwide. This discussion attempt to explore the influence of substrate on mushroom productivity parameters. The use of additives to imrove biological efficiency is highlighted as means of increasing mushroom production. The influence of substrate type and weight have been assessed on mushroom yield to ascertain the exact weight for optimal weight of production. In certain cases mushroom yield have increased with increased in substrate type and weight. Different biological efficiency have been associated with different substrates supplemented with different additives resulting into specific nutritional composition of the product. It is reasonably to suggest that in order to be able to adequately address issues related to mushroom productivity, there is need for thorough assessment of the effects of different substrates on mushroom yields. Thus, interventions that seek to improve mushroom production need to consider the trade-offs inherent in availability and suitability of substrates in mushroom cultivation.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Assan| Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture Management, Bulawayo Region, Box 3550, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe., T. Mpofu| Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture Management, Bulawayo Region, Box 3550, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.


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  • EP ID EP1031
  • DOI 10.14196/sjcs.v3i7.1502
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How To Cite

N. Assan, T. Mpofu (2014). The influence of substrate on mushroom productivity. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 3(7), 86-91.