The influence of training process on stride parameters, motor fitness and body build of 10-11 year old children

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2009, Vol 19, Issue 46


[b]Aim of the work[/b]. To define the influence of an annual athletic training program on sprinting stride length and frequency, body build and motor fitness of girls and boys aged 10–11.[b]Material and methods[/b]. The research group consisted of 4/5th class’ pupils attending track and field trainings 6 times a week (18 boys and 16 girls) and kids attending standard PE lessons (73 girls and 68 boys). Stride parameters were calculated on the basis of a 30 m run with the use of cinematographic method. Pedagogical experiment and an observation method were used in this study. Body build was evaluated on the basis of chosen anthropometrical variables with the use of standard research procedures and devices. Obtained data were a subject of statistical analysis.[b]Results[/b]. After a period of one year strides length increased with simultaneous decrease of stride frequency and insignificant increase of a speed level, in each group no matter the gender and the level of sport activity. Changes of body build parameters were similar in the examined groups. The level of motor fitness of girls and boys improved, which might be slightly more visible in the group of young athletes.[b]Conclusions[/b]. The changes of sprinting stride parameters and the level of motor fitness of 10–11-year-old children are probably mainly a result of a biological development of a young organism. Sport training may havea slight influence on the changes of stride length and the level of chosen motor abilities.

Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Paruzel-Dyja , Janusz Iskra


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How To Cite

Marzena Paruzel-Dyja, Janusz Iskra (2009). The influence of training process on stride parameters, motor fitness and body build of 10-11 year old children. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 19(46), 41-53.