The institute for the rationalization of management: foundation and thematic priorities (the early 1930s)
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 22
The article deals with topical issues of the characteristics of the organization of recordkeeping management in Ukraine in the early 1930s. This issue is outlined in the scientific historiography in a small number of publications, therefore it makes sense to revise this problem, as during the 1920s-1930s as a result of the active development of the scientific organization of recordkeeping performance there was accumulated a lot of significant actual materials. The preconditions of foundation and main directions of activities of one of the leading scientific institutes in Ukraine, the Institute for the Rationalization of Management are explored. The peculiarities of establishment of the Institute under the lack of unified forms of work with the documents, rules of their storage and registration are considered in the paper. The prominent role of the Institute for the Rationalization of Management in the establishment of a unified system of state recordkeeping performance in the Soviet institutions was proved as well as the basic principles of the state recordkeeping work such as simplicity, clarity, efficiency and accuracy of performance were recognized. The role of the Institute in the system of scientific research organizations of the Soviet Union is shown. The Institute for the Rationalization of Management played a key role in the process of establishment of the unified standards for document usage and the general principles of recordkeeping management. The role of the Institute for the Rationalization of Management in the training of innovative personnel by founding the PhD training program and organizing a permanent school for the training of managers is highlighted. The cooperation of the Institute for the Rationalization of Management with other scientific institutes and organizations and state authorities, in particular with the People's Commissariat of the Workers 'and Peasants' Republic and the People's Commissariat of Education, are analyzed. The main functions and, respectively, achievements of the Institute are detailed, among them: development of a methodology for streamlining management; development of a system of innovative measures for control units; the training of innovative personnel, as well as the organization of applied research in industrial enterprises, state farms, collective farms and other institutions. The reasons for the liquidation of the Institute for the Rationalization of Management are analyzed.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliya Salnikova
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