The issue of the influence of environment training stimuli upon the duration of a motor component of the speed of the upper limb movement
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 33
Introduction. In sports motor science, the speed skills are of special significance. However, it is characteristic that the knowledge of the speed skills of the upper limbs, i.e. concerning the so called small motor science, is only fragmentary.Goal of research. Comparative analysis of duration of the simple movement component conducted by the upper limbs with the players specializing in the chosen kinds of sports.
Authors and Affiliations
Władysław Machnacz
The publication of Włodzimierz Starosta's monography: Motoryczne zdolności koordynacyjne. Znaczenie, struktura, uwarunkowania, kształtowanie. (Motoric Co-ordinated Abilities. The Meaning, Structure, Condition, Formation)
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