The Jesuit Historical Research Centre in Krakow
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2014, Vol 17, Issue 0
In the years 1564–1773, Jesuits ran colleges and schools in Eastern Europe, on the present territory of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine. All the archives containing documents concerning these institutions and their history were, at the time of the dissolution of the Jesuit Order in 1773, destroyed or scattered. It was not until the 30s of the 20th century that a Jesuit, Stanisław Bednarski initiated collecting documentation in the form of photocopies from the central Archive in Rome and then from other Polish libraries. After his death and after the Second World War, Jan Poplatek, Bronisław Natoński and Ludwik Grzebień continued his work. Until the present time, almost the entire known documentation concerning the history of the Order in East-Central Europe has been collected in the form of photocopies, microfilms, copies and CDs from all European archives and libraries. Owing to this documentation, several dozen scientific books and a few hundred articles concerning cultural and religious history of that region have been published. Many Polish and East European historians make use of the centre in Krakow. The article presents the history of the centre as well as the description and the location of the preserved, most significant manuscripts concerning the Jesuit Order, which have been collected in various forms of reproduction in Krakow. Apparently, little did Stanisław Bednarski expect that his initiative, carefully considered plans preserved in writing and, finally, the good foundation for his dream research centre, would bring such considerable results. Therefore, this humble historical sketch should be devoted to honour his memory.
Authors and Affiliations
Ludwik Grzebień
Kardynał Adam Kozłowiecki SJ (1911–2007) i papież św. Jan Paweł II (1920–2005)
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