Journal Title: Annuals of the Administration and Law - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 0


In Jewish culture the Jewish cemetery was frequently referred to as “the House of Eternity”. Since the #nal years of the Middle Ages it was euphemistically called “the House of Life”. It was also referred to also by many other names, and all of them were characterised by honour and respect. During the course of the centuries many customs and legal regulations associated with the burial of the dead were formulated. `e layout of the traditional Jewish cemetery refers to the religious customs. Such a cemetery preserves, among other things, the division into sections or rows of graves of men and women. During the course of the centuries the distance between the particular graves was precisely determined. A separate set of symbols and localisation is attributed to the graves of the (Cohens) Priests. `ese symbols were marked by the image of the hands in a priestly gesture. `e members of this family are also bound by speci#c regulations concerning the sepulchral customs. `ese have to do with the practice of placing priestly graves in the proximity of the entrance or of the cemetery wall. Owing to this the grave of one’s relatives could be seen even without entering the cemetery itself. `is was supposed to preclude a ritual contamination by the contact with other graves that are visited. `e changes of the customs and the secularisation was accompanied by the change of the appearance and the layout of the Jewish cemetery.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Rozmus


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How To Cite

Dariusz Rozmus (2015). THE JEWISH CEMETERY AS AN EXAMPLE OF THE SPATIAL APPLICATION OF THE CUSTOM RELIGIOUS LAW. Annuals of the Administration and Law, 1(0), 99-111.