Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 74
Aim: To assess pro-health behaviours and physical activity of teacher training students in the context of their future work as a teacher and a health educator. Material and methods: The study was conducted in a randomly selected group of 486 students, including 416 women (85.60%) and 70 men (14.40%) – from teacher-training programs at three universities in Krakow: Pedagogical University (66.26%), Jagiellonian University (25.31%) and Krakow Academy (8.43%). The Health Behaviour Inventory (IZZ) and a short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were used in the study. Results: The findings from IZZ showed that most students were characterized by low (47.12%) and average (39.18%), and less often by high (13.17%) levels of pro-health behaviours. The highest intensity of pro-health behaviours was observed in the positive mental attitudes and health practices, and lower in healthy eating habits and preventive behaviours. Statistical analysis confirmed a wider range of health-promoting behaviours among women than men, with an exception of healthy practices. The results obtained from IPAQ showed that young people undertook physical activity at a moderate level (62.14%), and less often at high (26.54%) and low (11.32%) levels. The level of physical activity varied depending on the gender, the women significantly more likely to take it up at a satisfactory level, and men at a high level. Conclusions: The limited amount of pro-health behaviours in the lifestyle of students suggested that prospective teachers did not show proper readiness to promote a healthy lifestyle by their own example and further promote healthy behaviour among children and adolescents, which justifies the need for health education of this group as well as the rationalization of students’ lifestyle.
Authors and Affiliations
Grażyna Kosiba, Maria Gacek, Agnieszka Bogacz-Walancik
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