The living world of humanity: everyday life and wartime
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 7
Humanity as an element of the living world is usually not subjected to reflection. It is a manifestation of self-evident and understandable essence of human being in the relations with other people and concerning natural beings as well as ideal world. To be human means to reveal a definite attitude towards oneself and the other people, namely compassion, respect, love, goodness, dignity, sincerity. Humanity is not one of the virtues. It is an existential foundation of social and personal morality. And it is that excess of kindness on which every moral norm and obligation are based. Humanity is a living world for mores, public and personal morality. Humanity in the everyday life exists unnoticeable as that habitual atmosphere of politeness, benevolence among the members of society. However, in the time of war and sharp social conflicts, which undermine the foundations of morality and when the person appears on the verge of losing own identity and of coexistence with the others, humanity appears as the basis of personal survival and of the maintenance of moral relation towards the other people as well as enables to find the prospects of mutual understanding in the world.
Authors and Affiliations
Yevhen. Muliarchuk
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