The management of cranio-maxillofacial trauma during the Greco-Italian war 1940-1941


Introduction. During the Greco-Italian war 1940-1941, the survived patients with cranio-maxillofa- cial trauma transferred to various hospitals of Athens, reached almost 200 casualties. Material and methods. In this retrospective clinical and statistical study of traumatological and historical interest, 78 severely injured men are presented, having been in most of the cases severe cranio-maxillofacial casualties of the Greco-Italian war 1940-1941, who were admitted and treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of War Casualties (M.S.D.W.C.) of the “Hellenic Red Cross” Hospital, from November 8, 1940 to June 1, 1944. Results. The cranio-maxillofacial injuries of the 78 trauma patients included 40 fractures of the middle-third of the facial skeleton (14 patients), 110 fractures of the lower-third (54 patients), and 64 combined fractures of the middle (n=40) and lower-third (n=24) of the facial skeleton (10 patients). The therapeutic management included closed reduction of maxillary fractures and open reduction of mandibular fractures with either intraoral and extraoral approach. Autologous bone grafts from the anterior iliac crest, the tibia, and the 7th rib, were used for the reconstruction of mandibular osseous defects.

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Anastassios MYLONAS, Effie POULAKOU-REBELAKOU, Fotios TZERBOS, Evangelia PAPADOPOULOU (2016). The management of cranio-maxillofacial trauma during the Greco-Italian war 1940-1941. ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΤΟΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΝΑΘΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΗΣ ΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΙΚΗΣ, 17(2), 49-62.