The management of the globe’s resources in the light of recent Papal Encyclicals
Journal Title: Papers on Global Change IGBP - Year 2016, Vol 23, Issue 23
This paper focuses mainly on human ecology and social-geography related aspects of the Encyclicals issued and published in the course of the three last Pontifi cates – i.e. those of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, as addressed to both the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church and all people of good will. In his Encyclicals, the late Pope John Paul II is seen to refer to contemporary problems pervading and perplexing the world, drawing particular attention to the further development of civilisation and to social (i.e. social inequality) aspects and changes ongoing. Holy Father John Paul II refers inter alia to a perceived boundary between wellbeing and poverty running within the same societies, be these highly developed or only just embarking on the path of development, and also offers very profound justifi cation for the idea that the fundamental unit of human ecology is the family, as the foundation of both life and development. Consideration is then given to a 6-part Encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI, it being noted how His Holiness’s point of view, and way of looking at the sustainable development of the environment and the Earth is presented in a concrete, synthetic and very concise manner. For his part, Pope Francis in his Laudato Si Encyclical – is shown to detail profound cause-effect linkage between the present economic situation globally and the huge disparities within and between societies. Also highlighted is His Holiness’s proposal that a so-called integral ecology be introduced. The paper’s author concludes by recalling other recent (July 2016) events that are also of exceptional relevance to the subject, i.e. the World Youth Days held in Kraków with the participation of Pope Francis. Here, special reference is made to content in which His Holiness addresses current challenges to the several million young people present, and puts forward views regarding a new social and human revolution.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Gutry-Korycka
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