The methods of translation of nonequivalent lexical units in texts of american press
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 1
The article is devoted to research of ways of reproduction of non-equivalent lexical units in translation of American press texts. The author researched and systematized concept non-equivalent lexical units (nationally-biased lexicon) and reasons for their untranslatability were explored. The connection of language and culture that effects on formation of non-equivalent lexical units, marked by history and nationalcultural specificity was characterized. The research shows that non-equivalent lexical units belong to special vocabulary of English language marked by cultural peculiarities. They name objects of one culture, which are absent in lexical system of other culture. The problem of their reproduction in target language is stipulated by necessity to render semantic meaning and structure without losing main sense of cultural specificity put into its meaning. However, absence of direct equivalents for these units in target language make it necessary to search for new lexical units, which would denote semantic-structural peculiarities of original word or word-expression. These kinds of units are widely distributed in press, because the news articles often relate to other world countries, and usage of culturally-marked units is typical in order to render colouring of events described. Based on material of American press texts, non-equivalent lexical units were separated, and ways of reproduction of their semantics and structure in translation were determined. The analysis shows that reproduction of geographic non-equivalent units is done by transcribing. The names of organizations with complex structure are rendered by equivalent replacement in target language. The transformations of concretization, transposition and omission are used in situations, when there is no other method for reproducing the meaning of a lexical unit with preservation of semantic form.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. Л. Щеголєва
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