The models of motor control processes from the perspective of Russian scientists
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 44
The authors attempt to present the achievements of Russian scientists in the field of neurophysiology, neuropsychology and biomechanics, aimed at building a single, coherent explanation of the motor control processes in humans. Except for the Bernstein’s theory, all other ones described in this paper have not yet been presented to Polish readers, though in many aspects they are very innovative, thus worthy of wide propagation. The authors attempt to bridge the gap between knowledge about American and Russian scientific achievements and to show at the fact that besides the popular in Poland, mainly American concepts, important attempts at explaining this phenomenon – to our opinion successful – are undertaken also in other countries.
Authors and Affiliations
Vladimir Lyakh, Przemysław Bujas, Zbigniew Witkowski, Leszek Gargula , Janusz Jaworski
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