The Modern Tendencies in Design of Religious Edition (on the Material of “Otrok” Magazine 2015-2017)

Journal Title: Діалог: медіа-студії - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 23


Swift community development changes modern tendencies of visual communications. The study is based on the account of the atypical design of the Ukrainian religious magazine. In particular, the author analyzes the design of ≪Отрок.ua≫. The article deals the current trends in the design оf magazines. The article is useful for study of modern tendencies of Ukrainian religious press. The main features of the design of this magazine were established. There are multidimensionality, layout complexity, variety of fonts palette, associativity of visual images, multilevel photocompositions, grunge style signs and other features . Most design trends come unexpectedly, evolve and finally disappear from the landscape of design of periodicals. But grunge style remains resolutely relevant. In particular, David Carson is one of the most famous of the “grunge typographer”. His style defined result connection between the current trends in the design of the press and this magazine. There are some disadvantages in the design of this magazine. For example, cover of the magazine doesn’t correspond to the topic of some issues of the magazine. But in general, design of this magazine completely fits into the trend of modern magazine design. It’s also important to note that some similar design trends we meet in the design of such leading non-religious press as ≪Esquire≫, ≪Сноб≫, ≪Interview≫. All this allows us to say that “Отрок.ua” magazine design is atypical, breaking the stereotype of the usual design of Ukrainian Orthodox religious magazines. But this topic provides an opportunity for further research.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Nikolaienko


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How To Cite

Hanna Nikolaienko (2017). The Modern Tendencies in Design of Religious Edition (on the Material of “Otrok” Magazine 2015-2017). Діалог: медіа-студії, 0(23), 159-174.