The moral-philosophical aspect of the image of a warrior in Ukrainian philosophical thought of the Baroque
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
The purpose of this article is to highlight the positive aspects of the image of «Christian warrior» in teaching Ukrainian thinkers of the XVII century. This research has the task to expand our understanding of the origins of the image of «Cossacks knight», which later took shape in bright romantic tradition of historiography and writers of the nineteenth century and remains largely dominant until now. Traced the causes and consequences of updating military topics in the moral and philosophical thought, literature and art of the Baroque. We investigate the moral-philosophical warrior image component in the Ukrainian religious and philosophical thought of the Baroque. As the source base selected text thinkers of the second half of the XVII century (Anthoniy Radyvylovskiy, Innocentiy Gisel, Ioanykiy Halyatovskyi). It was established that these texts present the appeal to the traditional image of «Christian Knight» with a corresponding set of virtues: courage, contempt for death, piety, chastity, love for the Church and Fatherland others. Thus, the warrior must be true patriot of Church and Motherland, a devoted defender of the state, be pious and have all appropriate Christian virginity. Among the traditional «martial» virtues Ukrainian thinkers note the courage and contempt for death, which is a manifestation of respect for God and guarantor of salvation soldier. Outlined above image Cossack warrior as highly moral defender of the Faith and Fatherland, repeated in general and other church and secular thinkers authors of the Baroque and later became the «canonical» for Ukrainian literature, historiography, political thought and so on. In many ways, it still remains relevant and actively exploited in modern Ukrainian cultural space.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Spivak
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