The new Common agricultural policy of the European Union as a target guideline of ukrainian land legislation transformation
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2023, Vol 38, Issue 2
The need for adaptation and improvement of the existing legislation, especially land and agrarian and environmental policy of Ukraine with the legislative norms of the European Union (EU) is determined. The results of previous studies related to the problem of formation and implementation of measures of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU (CAP) are summarized. It has been researched that at the beginning of the XXI century the priority task of CAP was to provide farmers with an acceptable standard of living, and consumers - quality food products at fair prices. The main goals of the new Common Agricultural Policy, which encompass social, environmental and economic aspects of land use, are considered. It is emphasized that the objectives represent updated or revised proposals submitted by EU member states following comments made by the European Commission on the original proposals in early 2022. Priorities such as: measures to reduce the impact on climate change, effective management of natural resources, conservation of landscapes and biodiversity, highlighted in key comments and proposals, are disclosed and analyzed in more detail. It is marked that not less important is the question of land registration in the EU, which also causes the necessity of land cadaster keeping adaptation in Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Bratinova
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