The Overcoving of Methodological Foundations of Philosophy of Post-Modernism (U.Beck)
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
In the second half of XX century the philosophy of post-modernism became one of the most influential philosophies that began to acquire the value of universal world view of “epoch of Post-Modern”. In many countries of the world relative welfare and freedom of choice of consumption’s model resulted in social pluralism and relativizing of the system of values. However, social and ecological calls that appeared before humanity require making of clear strategy of community development, observance of common to all mankind values. The prominent German philosopher U.Beck made a push for overcoming of arbitrary interpretations of problem of truth in philosophy of post-modernism, what of him named the second modern, and proposed synthetic complex approach offered to this problem. The balanced methodological approach to social reality consists in following: the social dualness (nature/society, national/international, work/not work, family/not family and others) that disintegrate as a result of hitech development of society and corresponding development of social relations, it is necessary to synthesize. Instead of narrowed logic-methodological approach or/or it is necessary to apply the extended synthetic approach and/and.
Authors and Affiliations
Yaroslav Lyubiviy
Екзистенціально-трансцендентальне розгортання людського духу як необхідна умова існування особистості: метаантро- пологічний аналіз
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