The path to development and chances for the restoration of plant protection products industry after the accession of Poland to the European Union
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 5
The industry of plant protection products (PPP) is a very profitable, remarkably science-intensive and interdisciplinary branch of lab scale organic synthesis connected with the whole chemical industry. In Poland, the PPP industry was growing dynamically in the post-war years. Until 1949, the production of 13 active substances (AS) started and until 1970, over 20 active substances were produced. After 1970, the investments were restrained and there was a long-term stagnation in the development. Many AS were withdrawn from the production and the investments were stopped. The import increased 10-fold reaching 14.2 thousands tonnes in 1988, which cost 133 million US D.The economic transformation caused a collapse of pesticides production, import and their application. Simultaneously, the constant concentration of the capital and the formation of more and more powerful concerns producing the pesticides were observed. The attempts of Poland to access the European Union required to apply strict provisions of the Directive 91/414/EEC that introduced the obligation to review and re-register used active substances. The implementation of provisions of Directive 91/414/EEC in Poland caused the production collapse in half of small and large enterprises.The national industry of pesticides is still the branch of the highest return rate. According to the authors, it can sustain and develop the productive potential on the basis of existing research and development centres.
Authors and Affiliations
Arkadiusz Białek, Wiesław Moszczyński, Urszula Wyrzykowska, Tadeusz Jakubas
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