The Perspective of the Trilateral Cooperation Between Ukraine, Romania and Moldova in the Field of Energy
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2018, Vol 37, Issue
Ensuring energy security is one of the priority objectives on the Ukrainian-Romanian-Moldovan dimension. Undeniable is the fact that the energy situation în these three countries differs considerably. But the need for cooperation is evident and caused by our countries' aspirations for sustainable development, economic growth and the welfare of the population în the region. The Republic of Moldova is a net importer of energy, the natural gas purchased from a unique source representing the major fuel source. Much of the country's electricity consumption is covered by imports from Ukraine. The bilateral relations of cooperation between Romania and Moldova în the energy sector refer în particular to the practical realization of the interconnection investment projects în the natural gas segment through the second phase of the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline to Chisinau, as well as on the electricity segment. Achieving projects to connect to the EU energy system would create an efficient energy security network for all states în the area and favorable conditions for the multifunctional development of the economy of all countries în the region.
Authors and Affiliations
Elvira Senic
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