The pharmacoeconomic analysis of medicines affecting the bone structure and mineralization
Journal Title: Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация - Year 2019, Vol 23, Issue 1
Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic disease of bones and is characterized by decrease of bone strength, which leads to a high risk of fractures. The seriousness of this disease is in its prolonged asymptomatic course; moreover, the disease affects a significant part of the population, especially older age groups. Aim. To conduct the pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of bisphosphonates in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis by the cost-effectiveness method. Materials and methods. The cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated. The average retail prices of medicines for 2017 obtained according to the data of the PharmXplorer analytical system of “Morion” company were used to calculate the cost of osteoporosis pharmacotherapy. Results. Analysis of the cost of treatment showed that Alendon-70 (Micro Labs) was the cheapest drug in the alendronic acid group; its cost per treatment course for three years was 1092 UAH. Ibandronic acid VISTA, 150 mg, (Mistral Capital Management) was the cheapest drug in the group of ibandronic acid; its cost per course of treatment for three years was 11,405.88 UAH. Medicines on the basis of strontium ranelate were presented at the Ukrainian market only by one manufacturer. The results of the pharmacoeconomic analysis showed that ibandronate was the dominant method compared to strontium ranelate since it was more effective (62.0 % versus 41.0 %) and had a lower value for the costeffectiveness ratio (18,396.58 UAH versus 150,602.56 UAH). Conclusions. The data obtained suggest that the use of bisphosphonates, including ibandronate, is effective and costeffective in menopausal osteoporosis.
Authors and Affiliations
O. O. Gerasymova, N. O. Matiashova
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