The Philosopher on the Barricade. Michel Foucault and the Intellectualization of Social Protest
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 1
The main scientific objective of the paper is to investigate the problematization of protest, resistance, and explosions of social discontent in the discourse of European symbolic elites. The analysis of three dimensions of the intellectualization of protest serves to answer the following questions: how is protest shaped as an object of intellectual discussion, how it gains the attention of symbolic elites, and how intellectuals support social protest and make it a subject of public attention. The second objective is to identify the paradoxes and dilemmas of the intellectualization of protest on the example of Michel Foucault and the organization Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons. Following Foucault’s case, the author argues that the protest cannot avoid symbolic appropriation by those who claim to be its greatest advocates, and elites declaring themselves to be social critics are often uncritical towards their ideological positions.
Authors and Affiliations
Karol Franczak
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