The ploidy level of triticale plant regenerants, obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to abiotic stresses


Aim. To analyze the ploidy level of plant regenerants of winter triticale, obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to osmotic and salt stresses. Methods. By cytological analysis and flow cytometry methods there was determined the ploidy level in the plant regenerants of winter triticale obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to abiotic stresses. Results. The somaclonal variability of plant regenerants of winter triticale resistant to osmotic and salt stresses by ploidy level was observed. The cytological instability of resistant’s regenerants was revealed that was due in appearance of aneuploidy plants. Plants with aneuploid chromosome set (38–41) were characterized by reduced viability and abnormal generative organs resulting they are not formed normal ears and not received seeds. Conclusions. Among the obtained regenerants euploids were in most cases indicating a selective advantage of hexaploid cells in ability to morphogenesis. Keywords: Triticale, plant regenerants, cytological analysis, aneuploids, abiotic stresses.

Authors and Affiliations

С. В. Пикало, О. В. Дубровна


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How To Cite

С. В. Пикало, О. В. Дубровна (2018). The ploidy level of triticale plant regenerants, obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to abiotic stresses. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 305-310.