The Polonica medieval manuscripts in foreign collections
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Prof. Edward Potkowski, died on July 31st 2017, paid particular attention to registration and detailed documentation of the manuscripts - created in Poland, written by the Poles abroad, for the Polish readers, or being held within the territory of Poland - both in Polish and foreign collections. He used to say, that we would not develop a complete image of the book culture of medieval ages in Poland without studies on the books permanently or temporarily stored in foreign institutions. This is also the topic of E. Potkowski’s text offered within this volume. He discusses examples of three books: the Mikołaj Suled’s Codex he found himself in Naples (Italy), the Mathilda’s Codex, and the Sankt Florian Psalter. Their complicated history proves the need of developing a central catalogue of medieval manuscripts related to Poland, for further studies on the Polish medieval culture.
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Potkowski
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