The position of the clergy of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches of Kiev province on January Uprising in 1863-1864
Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
The article analyzes the attitude of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches in Kiev province to the January national liberation uprising of 1863-1864. It is defined their role in transmission of their position on the uprising to the reign and society at the local level. It is characterized specific activities of the Christian Church in its various manifestations in the aforementioned events. The analysis of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox clergy in the Kyiv province during the January uprising, gives reason to affirm about the close, conspiratorial cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church with supporters the idea of restoring the Commonwealth, and the active support of the Orthodox Church of government policy on discrediting and weakening the Latin clergy in the province; the Roman Catholic Church in that region favored to preserve the traditions of Catholicism and the Polish influence, while the Orthodox Church has become a tool of russification; the reaction of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox clergy to the uprising was ambiguous, this is due to objective reasons: catholic clergy, on the one hand, afraid of losing their status and material support, and the other – to be convicted countrymen, orthodoxclergy, received the chance to release the pressure, often had in its ranks people from the catholic gentry.
Authors and Affiliations
Iuliia Iartsun
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