The potential characteristics analysis of probing signal with the quadratic frequency modulation


Introduction: Complex signals with the button ambiguity function can provide the distance and speed of target independent estimation. The signal with the symmetrical linear frequency modulation has this property in the class of signal with frequency modulation. Problem statement: To show that in the class of signals frequency-shift is signal with button ambiguity function. Such signal is a signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation. The potential characteristics research of signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation: The signal with quadratic frequency modulation and its properties are considered, analytic form of signal and its spectrum are shown, figures of amplitude spectra of signal are drawn, and figures of ambiguity diagram, cross-correlation functions and response ambiguity function in strong and weak fields are shown. The comparison of the signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation and the signal with the symmetrical linear frequency modulation are shown. The result of research is that the ambiguity function form of a signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation comes nearer to button in the strong correlation field and it has X – for min the weak correlation field. The autocorrelation function of the signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation has some constant level which decreases with signal base increasing. It is revealed that autocorrelation function of the signal has no side lobes. It improves resolution capability of a weak signal against the strong signal. The pedestal level of the autocorrelation function of this signal is a little lower than pedestal level of the autocorrelation function of the signal with the symmetrical linear frequency modulation. Properties of section of cross-correlation function to two peaks and effect of these properties are considered. Signals with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation are expedient for using in the sonar of submarines, because in case of submarines detection the case of multiple targets existence is the improbable. Conclusions: Conclusions about advantages and disadvantages of this signal are presented. The advantages are as follows: the autocorrelation function and the cross-correlation function of the signal with the quadratic frequency intra-modulation have no side lobes. The pedestal level of the autocorrelation function has level of smaller 0.1 for a signal with base 50. The cross-correlation function width feebly depends on speed of the target. The disadvantages are as follows: the direction of target movement can't be understood. It is compensated by existence of prior information about the target direction.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Mrachkovsky, Yu. Reutskaya


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  • EP ID EP309141
  • DOI 10.20535/RADAP.2012.51.68-76
  • Views 80
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How To Cite

O. Mrachkovsky, Yu. Reutskaya (2012). The potential characteristics analysis of probing signal with the quadratic frequency modulation. Вісник НТУУ КПІ. Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування, 0(51), 68-76.