“The Potential Pozzolanic Activity of Different Ceramic Waste Powder as Cement Mortar Component (Strength Activity Index)”
Under the strong contemporary demand for modern and environmental friendly materials, natural pozzolan can be proved to be such material and several researchers have focused their research efforts in using it as a partial substitute in the manufacture of concrete and mortar. Pozzolans are divided into two categories, namely the natural and the artificial, as metakaoline and silica fume (SF). In recent years, the industry has shifted to using natural pozzolans because of their lower cost and accessibility. A pozzolan is a siliceous material that can be used as an inexpensive Substitute for cement in mortar mixtures. The objective of this experimental study was to examine the possibility of reusing ceramic materials waste from ceramic industry as partial cement replacement in mortar and concrete. The different types of ceramic waste were finely ground to specific sizes (0–45 lm, 45–75 lm and 75–150 lm) from different industries and its pozzolanic activity was determined. The compressive strength activity index at 7, 28 days and accelerated curing was determined in mortars produced with each finely grounded waste ceramics and different percentages of partial cement replacement. As per Indian standard mortar bar tests on 70.6*70.6*70.6 mm3 size mortar specimens were performed and results concluded with comparison to nominal mix specimen. own text.
Authors and Affiliations
Jay Patel , Dr. (Smt. ) B. K. Shah , Prof . P. J. Patel
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