The President of the European Council – from Rotation to Election
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 20
Th is article discusses the principles of election of the President of the European Council, modifi ed by the Treaty of Lisbon. Th e current procedure for selecting a permanent President of the European Council is presented against the background of the original model of the rotating presidency of both the European Council and the Council. It is worth mentioning that the Council, although in a modifi ed form, has, until now, been using the system of rotating presidency. Key issues discussed in the article relate to two essential points. Th e fi rst concerns procedural aspects of the election of the European Council president (including qualifi cation requirements, the rules of election and the validity of the principle of incompatibilitatis). Th e second refers to an analysis of the potential impact of changes in the method of determining the European Council president on the scope of his competences.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Doliwa-Klepacka
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