The problem of aggressive behavior ofadolescents: factors and mechanisms of socialization


In today’s environment is much more liberal values of a certain level of personal aggression becomes a factor not only of social adaptation, but also the survival of the population. This leads to a reassessment of the role of aggression in social and mental development. In this context, an important role is played by the study of forms of its manifestation, which may relate in particular criticism, humor, trying to build a career by identifying shortcomings of its competitors, the reluctance to start a family, participation in protests, an active position in social networks. The purpose of this article is analysis of aggression and aggressiveness of teenagers as the factors and mechanisms of their adaptation to the socio-cultural environment. Experimentally found two main options for aggressive behavior, which are different versions of emotional and motivational core personality. Open «destructive» aggression, accompanied by internal personal hostility, not only captures social exclusion, but also hinders its overcoming. Conversely, mostly indirect, «constructive» aggression deprived inner hostility is not only an indicator of exclusion, but also a tool to overcome, that is a factor of social adaptation. Indicators destructive aggression belongs to a range of factors: – рersonal factors (low level of education, inadequate low self-esteem, high impulsivity, alcohol abuse, drugs, computer games, willingness to take risks, limited sense of self); – behavioral factors (behavior that creates obstacles for others, vandalism, aimless pastime, absenteeism, poor performance in school, early sexual contact, criminal records, early conviction); – social factors (the cult of violence in society, the influence of the media, deviant behavior of parents, low socioeconomic status families dependent on social assistance, changing caregivers (stepfather, stepmother), family and sexual violence friends with behavioral deviant). In the context of the study «The teenager in a big city: factors and mechanisms of socialization», held in 2013 by the Department of Sociology of KarazinKharkiv National University with the support of Kharkiv Regional State Administration we were able to conduct comparative analysis of 2013 and the same study of 1999year. It is possible to respond to a number of practical questions, such as whether the frequency change with time displays forms of teenage aggression, gender characteristics, agents of socialization and more. The study was differentiated indicators of aggression (hostility, outbursts of anger, irritability, mistrust) and aggression (participation in fights, conflicts with peers, criminal records, etc.), as well as used in conventional classification of psychology aggressive responses on the questionnaire Bass –Darki. The results obtained in the study generally support the hypothesis that aggressive behavior associated with social adaptation, and serves as one of its social and psychological factors. Data on the relationship of age and aggressiveness / aggression (both internal and external of its forms) indicate a higher adaptive potential of older adolescents than younger. Gained 11 class social experience allows teenagers with normal adaptation to suppress and transform the growing aggressiveness in a constructive behaviors, or (as an option) change the form of aggression. For example, use verbal aggression rather than physical. Thus, aggression acts as a factor of social exclusion and feature both a factor mechanism of compensation. These permanent record of the research tends to reduce aggression and aggressiveness of adolescents in the last ten years, despite the fact that the percentage of teenagers who are prone to unwarranted destructive aggression remained unchanged. This fact is of great social conditionality. Social causes of teenage aggression today as ten years ago, reduced to the influence of family, peers, education and media. The changes that occurred during this time, dealing with all the above-mentioned agents of socialization, but mostly they involve liberalization of values and changing forms and types of communication, expanding information space due to the growing role of the Internet. Social networks play in the process of social adaptation increasing role, offering solutions to many teenage psychological problems such as self-actualization, the need for warm friendly relations, the choice of life strategies approval.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Волянська


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How To Cite

О. В. Волянська (2016). The problem of aggressive behavior ofadolescents: factors and mechanisms of socialization. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 3(30), 117-134.