The Problems of the Translation of Motor Control in Human
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 32
The paper presents the problems of motor (movement) control in humans with special regard to the issue of using two particular codes in this process, namely sensory and symbolic (verbal) ones. In the processes of planning and controlling the movements arises the problem of bidirectional translation of both those codes, being a specific kind of intersemiotic translation. The problems encountered by motor control specialists and translators - especially interpreters - seem to be very similar. Quickness, necessary in both the processes, needs operation with unified chunks of information - verbal-verbal in language translation or sensory-verbal in motor control - without arduous ascribing the information chunks expressed in one code to respective units expressed in the other one with simultaneous taking into account the rules of syntax and grammar. Here arise the questions of close attention and consciousness which slow down the translation processes under consideration. Then, achievements of psycholinguistics and translatology can contribute to a better explanation of the movement control in humans as well as in animals.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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