The Public Funding of Orthodontic Treatment - Whom to? The Attempt of the Applying of the HLD (CalMod) Index
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 4
The HLD (CalMod) Index is officially used in Californiato assess eligibility for public funding of the treatment.AIM:1. to determine the percentage of the patients whocould be approved for the public funding of orthodontictreatment on the base of HLD (CalMod) Index, if it wouldbe used in Poland; 2. to assess which occlusal abnormalitieshad influenced just such a result of the occlusion examination.MATERIAL AND METHODS: to find out HLD(CalMod) Index - 40 randomly chosen pairs of diagnosticstudy casts of patients who undertook the treatment withfixed appliances at The Department of Orthodontics PomeranianMedical University were used. The occurrenceof the occlusal abnormalities, causing destruction of periodontiumor functional impairment or the obtaining of the26 points is taken in California as a base to solicit the publicfunding of treatment.. The patients with cleft palate andother developmental anomalies of the craniofacial skeletonwere not included. RESULTS: occlusal abnormalities,causing destruction of periodontium or functional impairwere found in 17 of the examined patients (42,4 %):deep impinging overbite (point 2 of the examination chart),crossbite of single anterior teeth with soft tissue destruction(point 3) or overbite exceeding 9mm.(point 5) . At thelast ones - the index was 6-28 points. The score of at least26 points was found at the occlusion examination of only 2patients. Totally - for the public funding of the treatment -could be approved as many as 19 patients (47,5%). CONCLUSIONS:1. Less than 50% patients who undertaketreatment with fixed appliances could be eligible for publicfunding, 2. The occlusal abnormalities, causing destructionof periodontium or functional impairment wouldmostly decide concerning the eligibility, 3. The precise assessmentof the percentage of patients with the severestmalocclusions in the Polish population, whose treatmentwould be paid by the state budget, requires more exact investigations.(Orthod. Forum 2005; 1:101-10)
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna , Barbara Wędrychowska-Szulc
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