The Public Procurement and Innovativeness of Economy. The Perspective of Buying Agencies in Poland


Poland started with the European public procurement rules in 1995 through publishing the Law of Public Procurement. Since then, many changes in this law have taken place in order to facilitate the system and to be compatible with the EU public procurement directives. The most important solution in this field is the Law of Public Procurement introduced in 2004 when Poland became a member of the EU. Since 2004, many amendments have been introduced. In the European Union there are many political statements and reports demanding a system of public procurement mobilisation for innovativeness improvement. The aim of this paper is to present framework for procurement in Poland. Further, there has been presented the empirical study connected with the survey conducted on the sample of awarding entities. In the paper some results of the investigation are analysed in order to answer the following question: Which factors could have an impact on public procurement innovativeness?

Authors and Affiliations

Wacława Starzyńska


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  • EP ID EP614148
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2018.52.4.103-112
  • Views 57
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How To Cite

Wacława Starzyńska (2018). The Public Procurement and Innovativeness of Economy. The Perspective of Buying Agencies in Poland. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 103-112.