The qualitative assessment of Crasna River in terms of Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and Directive 78/659/EC.
Journal Title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society - Year 2010, Vol 3, Issue 2
It is the central objective of the Water Framework Directive of the EC to achieve “good status” for all bodies of water, both surface and ground waters, but with the exception of heavily modified and artificial bodies. For the latter ones, the central objective is defined as "good environmental potential". In essence, environmental goals by 2015 include: 1) for surface water bodies: achieving good ecological status and good chemical state, or good ecological potential and good chemical status for heavily modified water and artificial bodies; 2) for underground water bodies: achieving good chemical status and good quantitative status; 3) protected areas: environmental objectives under specific legislation; 4) keeping the surface water and ground water away of deterioration status. In this context, our study highlights aspects of water resource management of the Crasna catchment, sub-catchment of Somes Tisa, to ensure compliance with the contents of the EU Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, in the year 2008, and prospects achieving the objectives set, by processing synthetic data created by the Somes Tisa Water Directorate, through monitoring quality and quantity of surface resources. Structural- functional peculiarities of Crasna on the flow velocity, the nature of substrate, flow and water level variations, the influence of the structure and the functioning of plant and animal populations, which in turn determine the physical-chemical properties of water, are analysed. Deteriorating environmental conditions, especially following acute pollution of aquatic organisms, is producing shocks, which are affecting parts of or all trophic structures, so the result is a decrease in aquatic ecosystems’ diversity, critical for populational survival.
Authors and Affiliations
Giana Popa, Ioan Bud
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