The quality of life in women with incontinence

Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4


Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate what is the quality of life in women with urinary incontinence. Materials and methods. Studies were conducted in a group of 60 women aged 27 – 67 with the incontinence problem. They were patients of the Urological Outpatient Clinic in Nowy Sącz. The analysis is based on a Dartmouth Coop Function Charts scale. Results. Over 1/3 of the respondents stated that the health and well-being deteriorated in the last month. Only a quarter of the respondents declared that their surroundings are people ready to help if necessary in many cases. Significantly depressed mood over the last month affected 1/3 of women. Half of the respondents reported that their health condition made social contacts difficult. More than half of women surveyed said that the quality of life compared to that of the prior month has not changed, while nearly a quarter of them confirmed a reduced quality of life in the last month.

Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Kamińska, Agnieszka Kurzeja, Beata Ogórek-Tęcza


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How To Cite

Alicja Kamińska, Agnieszka Kurzeja, Beata Ogórek-Tęcza (2012). The quality of life in women with incontinence. Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku, 11(4), 23-27.