The Relation between Inflammatory Markers and Pulmonary Infiltration in Chlamydia Pneumonia
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 3
Aim We aimed to describe the levels of leucocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and high sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP), and to investigate the relation of these biomarkers with the ratio of parenchymal infiltration (RPI) in patients with Chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia (CPP). Material and Methods The diagnosis of CPP was based on serologic testing. Patients with CPP were analyzed the blood leucocyte counts, ESR and hsCRP levels. The parenchymal infiltration ratio, given as percent, was calculated from the high resolution computerized tomography (HRCT) images using the following formula: Pulmonary infiltration ratio = number of images showing infiltration in HRCT x 100 / number of all images x 2. The relation of the extent of the infiltrated lung parenchyma, shown by HRCT, with the leucocyte count, ESR and sCRP was investigated. Results Thirty two patients with CPP were included this study. Increasing levels of blood leucocyte counts in 14 (43.7 %), ESR in 27 (84.3 %) and hsCRP in 26 (81.2 %) patients were observed. High sensitive CRP was moderately but significantly correlated with RPI (r = 0.476, p = 0.006). However, RPI was not significantly correlated with blood leucocyte count and ESR (r = 0,011, p = 0,952 ve r = 0,102, p = 0,580, respectively). Conclusions Although both ESR and hsCRP were useful to detect infection, only hsCRP was correlated with the extent of parenchymal infiltration. Therefore, as a parameter sCRP can be used to evaluate the severity of CPP but larger series are needed to confirm this finding.
Authors and Affiliations
Dilaver Taş, Erdoğan Kunter, Haldun Şevketbeyoğlu, Ahmet Fakih Aydın, Oğuzhan Okutan, Ersin Demirer, Kamil Çelik, Zafer Kartaloğlu
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