The Relationship between Quality of Life, Coping Styles and Anxiety of Death among Survivors of Cancer
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 7, Issue 3
Patients affected by cancer are facing physical, psychological and social problem which may cause disorders in the natural process of life and its quality.Therefore, considering that the concept of "quality of life",coping styles and anxiety of death among the patients affected by cancer and survivors of cancer is avital subject for these people, it needs to be studied. Recognizing these factors help patients organize their activities to promote the level of their health and to improve their life. These study is a correlation research in which 3o patients affected by cancer and 3o survivors of cancer were selected from among affected and survivors of cancer in Atieh Hospital and Sepas charity institution in Tehran using availability sampling. The information was collected using 36 question questionnaires (closed form) of life, coping styles of Lazaroos and Folkman and anxiety of death of Templers and their validity and reliability are 0.84, 0.80 and 0.86, respectively. They were analyzed using independent t.test , multi variety regression and logical regression .The finding show that there is significant relationship between quality of life and surviving from cancer (P=o/o1). There is significant relationship between surviving and no surviving from cancer and problem – focused coping styles (P=0/01). Also there is a significant relationship between anxiety of death and surviving and no surviving (P=o/o1). There is a relationship between quality of life and anxiety of death death of patients affected by cancer and survived from cancer (P=0/01). There is a significant difference between problem-focused and excitement – focused coping styles in patients affected by cancer and survived from cancer (P=0/05). There is relationship between quality of life and coping styles and surviving and none surviving of people affected by cancer (P=0/01).
Authors and Affiliations
Mohamadehsan Taghizadeh| Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Payamnoor university (PNU), Majid safarzadeh| Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Payamnoor university (PNU), Azadeh abolghasem beyk| M.A in Clinical Psychology,Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, science and research branch saveh
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