Study on Yield and Quality of 16 Tomato Cultivars in South of Iran
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 4
In order to, evaluation and identification of suitable cultivar for Minab region at south of Iran, this experiment was performed as RCBD with 16 tomato cultivars and 3 replication. Sowing was performed in tray culture with 105 cells containing peat moss in early September and transplants was cultured in mid October. Evaluated cultivars were consist: Lesto, Kimia, DFT3000, DFT3002, DFT3003, ZD731, ZD625, ZD633, ZD634, ZD610, 9014, T97301, RFT112, TUS33812, TH1462 and Sunseed6189 as control. Traits were recording done based on tomato discriptor. Other traits also was evaluated such as yield, qualitative traits such as Brix, Vitamin C, pH and external resistant to fungi and virus diseases. In addition to more yielding and beter quantitative and qualitative traits, the cultivars that had beter resistant to fungi and virus diseases in condition of this study, had been recognaized suitable. These cultivars respectively were consist of RFT112, Kimia, ZD634 and ZD633.
Authors and Affiliations
Abdolhossein Aboutalebi*| Department of Horticulture. Islamic Azad University Jahrom Branch. Jahrom, Iran,E-mail:, Hamed Hasanzadeh Khankahdani| M.Sc in Horticulture and Specialist of Agricutural Research Station. Minab, Iran, Ebrahim Zakeri| M.Sc in Horticulture and Specialist of Agricutural Research Station. Minab, Iran
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