The Reliability of Financial Reporting within Corporate Governance: Evidence from Turkey

Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 71


The reliability of financial reporting provides shareholders, partners, investors and other stakeholders in order to make correct decisions. While determining the relationship between the reliability of financial reporting and operating type of firms, the number of employee, operating years and manager position, the questionnaire which was carried out to the businesses dependent on Corporate Governance Index that is enrolled to Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) was evaluated. This article adds to the literature by estimating whether the reliability of financial reporting increase by promoting the effectiveness level of control structure in the enterprise through corporate governance practices.

Authors and Affiliations

Ali İhsan AKGÜN


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How To Cite

Ali İhsan AKGÜN (2016). The Reliability of Financial Reporting within Corporate Governance: Evidence from Turkey. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 18(71), 179-200.