The Repetitive Rhetoric of Miscavige’s Battle: A Preliminary Look at the Church of Scientology
Journal Title: Res Rhetorica - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 3
The Church of Scientology is currently experiencing a rash of negative publicity regarding its beliefsystem, organizational structure, and practices. Amidst this controversy, Ecclesiastical Leader David Miscavige has continued to make speeches celebrating the church. But he has remained notably silent regarding the challenges facing his church. This short essay aims to: (a) provide an introduction to the church, (b) examine the rhetoric of Miscavige in light of the church’s practices, and (c) offer up some initial suggestions regarding how the two can, and do, relate to each other. The tentative conclusions drawn suggest that, at best, Miscavige is providing his followers with a positive vision of the church; at worst, his rhetoric threatens to engender more criticism and further isolate the church.
Authors and Affiliations
Mark Porrovecchio
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