The Retrospective Approach in Teaching Medical Law at Postgraduate Level in Medical Universities (Ретроспективний підхід до викладання медичного права на післядипломному рівні у медичних вищих навчальних закладах)
Journal Title: Медичне право - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
Application of a retrospective approach in teaching medical law at postgraduate level in medical universities was analyzed in article. This approach facilitates to assess things through the peculiar prism of the past, allows to perceive adequately the government regulation of medical activity, highlight the peculiarities of its formation and development as well as conditions of use. Retrospective approach that is used in the educational process of preparation of leaders for the system of health protection at postgraduate level lies in the establishment of contents and stages of development of governmental control of the health sphere, causative connections of the use of mechanisms of government control of medical activity in the investigated region. In basis of this method close connection is fixed between present time and the past. Application of retrospective approach assists the best understanding of administrative processes and decisions, helps to go deeply in the existing system of health protection with all its displays and presentations. The knowledge of the past helps to envision the future and not in vain the understanding of the past is administrative memory, helps better to understand modern. Otherwise speaking, than longer you look back, the further you see forward. Therefore every manager that wants to consider himself a specialist must own the certain set of historical knowledge, whuch must include the knowledge of the origin of the state, idea about the retrospective view of development of that sphere that he takes care professionally, in this case health protection.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Soroka
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