The role and importance of funding from the Operational Pro-gramme Innovative Economy for the development of SMEs in the Warmia and Mazury  

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


Nowadays innovativess is a major success factor in leading a business unit. Researchers claim, that the greatest problems in impleentation of innovations in eterprises are connected with gaining funds. In 2007 the government started the Opperational Programm Innovative Economy PO IG as a solution for difficulties experienced by entrepreneurs. It's main aim was to support and promote inno-vativeness of Polish firms. According to the performed analysis, the share of entrepreneurs from the "warmińsko-mazurskie" woyevodship gains, mentioned earlier, funds inssuficiently. Till the end of 2012 year only 83 entrepreneurs made benefit from using analysed programm and it was a very small fraction of firms registered in Polish Central Statistical Office. The greatest number of firms, which applied and gained the financial support were localized in the neighbourhood of th Olsztyn city. It may suggest a conclusion, that they were the most innovative firms in a region. The highest financial support sums were gained by limited liability companies. Ideas, assumptions and golas of PO IG are very import_ant in terms of stimulating enterprises for more creative and innovative products implementa-tion, however it is still insufficient. The key action which should be taken to change this situation is an increase of the external institutions support.  

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Wiśniewska


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How To Cite

Magdalena Wiśniewska (2013). The role and importance of funding from the Operational Pro-gramme Innovative Economy for the development of SMEs in the Warmia and Mazury  . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(1), 477-487.