The role of ablation in the treatment of the patients with atrial fibrillation
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny - Year 2007, Vol 9, Issue 4
Atrial fibrillation is the most commonly diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia known to occur in 1% of the general population. Formerly considered arelatively benign disease, atrial fibrillation is now known to be an independent predictor of both death and stroke. Although a significant percentage of patients with atrial fibrillation can be effectively managed with drug therapy alone, there is still a substantial number of patients who continue to have symptoms related to atrial fibrillation despite optimal medical management. For these patients, nonpharmacologic approaches should be considered, of which the most commonly performed is catheterablation. Recent advances in interventional techniques have made it possible to terminate the arrhythmia in appropriately selected patients with atrial fibrillation. The paper reviews the latest publications regarding the role of ablation in the treatment of the patients with atrial fibrillation.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Fiutowski, Jarosław Kasprzak
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