The Role of Competency-Based Occupational Standards in Speech Pathology Education and Governance in Australia


Integrated competency-based occupational standards allow detailed description of the knowledge, skills and attributes which in combination portray competent professional practice. Competency-based occupational standards have been in place within the speech pathology profession in Australia since 1994, and are used for a range of educational and assessment purposes, including assessing eligibility for membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia. his paper describes the reasons for and process of development of the standards, the framework for the standards, and how they are used for curriculum development and assessment. he paper also describes the use of CBOS in the development of a validated tool for the assessment of clinical performance

Authors and Affiliations

Lindy McAllister


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  • EP ID EP670295
  • DOI 10.17951/en.2016.1.19
  • Views 89
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How To Cite

Lindy McAllister (2016). The Role of Competency-Based Occupational Standards in Speech Pathology Education and Governance in Australia. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio N – Educatio Nova, 1(1), 19-32.