The role of environmental audit in the contemporary economy of Ukraine


Considering continuous environmental degradation and constant human pressure, it becomes clear that environmental audit begins to be treated with special attention and demand by business entities. Environmental audit should be an effective mechanism for the environmental management process, and it should be conducted in Ukraine to ensure the compliance of company activities with the applicable laws in respect of the protection of nature. The main objective of environmental audit is to synchronise the activities of a firm in shaping the environmental policy, ecological programmes and priorities in the implementation of environmental projects. The paper presents legal aspects of environmental audit in Ukraine. It also defines the term “environmental audit” analyses its stages, formulates tasks and stresses the importance of conducting environmental audits in the management of the environment. According to the authors of the paper, the efforts of environmental audit should be implemented through appropriate incentives for managers and business owners with special emphasis on the law in this area.

Authors and Affiliations

Wasilij Rudnicki, Оксана Сарахман


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How To Cite

Wasilij Rudnicki, Оксана Сарахман (2017). The role of environmental audit in the contemporary economy of Ukraine. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 33(1), 97-111.