The role of eurhythmics and dance classes in shaping the physical and musical development of preschool children

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 58


[b]Introduction.[/b] Dance classes with music have a comprehensive impact on a child’s development – they train both motor and musical skills. This is particularly significant at the early stage of education, when it is possible to direct the training of the efficiency of a child’s movements and sensitivity to music thus effectively improving a child’s predisposition.[b]Aim of the study.[/b] The aim of the study is to determine the influence of dance and eurhythmics classes on motor and music development of preschool children.[b]Material and methods.[/b] Ninety 6-year-old children participated in the study. All of the children (42 girls and 48 boys) attended kindergartens in Krakow and some of them attended additional dance classes or eurhythmics classes or both. The preschool children were assessed in terms of physical ability and musical aptitude. The assessment of physical fitness was carried out with selected tests from the European Test of Physical Fitness (Eurofit). Musical aptitude was measured by using the Edwin E. Gordon’s Intermediate Measures of Music Audition test. The subjects were grouped according to participation in additional classes (dance, eurhythmics, both, or lack of activity).[b]Results.[/b] In terms of motor capacities the best results in more than half of the trials were achieved by those who participated in dance classes. The best results in the melody and rhythm tests were obtained by the children who attended both dance and eurhythmics classes.[b]Conclusions.[/b] Additional stimulation, in the form of both dance and music classes decisively favours motor and musical development of the examined children. Dance classes may play a proper role in training the sense of rhythm in preschool children.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Poznańska, Joanna Stożek, Zuzanna Filar, Katarzyna Filar - Mierzwa


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How To Cite

Anna Poznańska, Joanna Stożek, Zuzanna Filar, Katarzyna Filar - Mierzwa (2012). The role of eurhythmics and dance classes in shaping the physical and musical development of preschool children. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 22(58), 65-74.