The Role of Extradition Treaties in Crime Management and Combating Terrorism


Many countries all over the world is enmeshed and grappling with the problems of crimes, threats and terrorism. These crime incidence have occurred with high level of intensities and fatalities that could be said that nations of the world have lost its cooperate existence, because solutions to these problems seems to be unabated as a result of international collaboration and the extradition treaties in combating these ugly menace which seems to be comatose. Hence, this paper examines and addresses the role of extradition treaties in management of crime and combating terrorism. The study critically examined the principles and processes of extradition and the general problems associated with it. The study uses comparative and qualitative analyses as its methodological components to x-ray the relationship between extradition treaties and global terrorism. Secondary sources of data become the hub of its methodology. The Dual/ Double criminality theory which has its root in the Jay Treaty of 1794 of the United States and Great Britain, popularized by Lech Gardodei in 1993, was used as its theoretical framework. The study revealed that some of these extradition treaties prevent punishment of protected persons. The study discovered that lack of synergy between extraditing countries constitutes impediments against the management of crime and combating terrorism. The study further found out that international political power game guiding extradition and management of crimes and combating terrorism impede transnational prosecution. The study recommended a strong political will among member nations in order to ensure compliance to extradition treaties and to combat terrorism globally. Adishi, Eric | Oluka, Nduka Lucas"The Role of Extradition Treaties in Crime Management and Combating Terrorism" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018, URL:

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(2018). The Role of Extradition Treaties in Crime Management and Combating Terrorism. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2(2), -.