The Role of Glycinergic Transmission in the Pathogenesis of Alcohol Abuse

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2018, Vol 72, Issue


Alcoholism is a severe social and medical problem. Inadequate ethanol (EtOH) consumption results in acute and chronic conditions, which lead to many hospitalizations and generate considerable costs in healthcare. Alcoholism undoubtedly needs to be thoroughly described, especially in relation to the molecular mechanism of addiction. The current opinion about the pathogenesis of EtOH abuse is mainly based on the dopaminergic theory of addiction, connected with the impaired function of the dopaminergic transmission in the brain’s reward system. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the potential role in alcohol activity is played also by glycinergic transmission, based inter alia on inhibitory glycine receptors (GlyRs) sensitive to this simplest amino acid. GlyRs are pentameric, ionotropic receptors from ligand-gated ion channel family and facilitate membrane permeability to chloride ions. The receptors are widely present in the human body and spread to the peripheral and central nervous system, where they are engaged in several processes, especially in the regulation of nociception, movement control and, possibly, also they are responsible for controlling the brain’s reward system involved in the pathogenesis of addiction. The last localization seems to be really important and consists of a new insight into the search for novel substances to prevent or cure the consequences of EtOH abuse. In this paper describes recently discovered and animal-tested ligands, which may be an interesting tool in the treatment of alcohol-related syndromes.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Zakowicz, Radosław Kujawski


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  • EP ID EP343211
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.1736
  • Views 128
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How To Cite

Przemysław Zakowicz, Radosław Kujawski (2018). The Role of Glycinergic Transmission in the Pathogenesis of Alcohol Abuse. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 72(), 587-593.