The Role of Hadiths in the Preclusion of Errors Caused by the Linguistic Intepretation of Adilla-i Shariyyah - the Case of Sarikah Verse

Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 1


In the correct interpretation of the Qur'anic verses, command over the meaning of the Arabic words plays an undeniable role. However, some misconceptions can arise if it is kept aloof from the relationship between the siyak-sibak and other sources of Islamic religion such as sunnah, icma' and comparison. Discussions on the 38th verse of the Surat al-Maid'a, which is the punishment for the thief in Islam, are among the examples for this subject. There are still ungoing discussions today about the metaphorical significance of the verse, whether the punishment to be given will prevent further theft crimes, or whether the hand is to be cut off based on the literal interpretation of the verse. Furthermore, in addition to absolute expression, the quantity of goods stolen, ignorance of the characteristics of the thief and robbery bring out applicability issues. In order to overcome these issues, there emerges the necessity to resort to fundamental sources of Islamic religion besides the Qu'ran and that is the sunnah. In our article, we have evaluated the importance of the hadiths in the Islamic tradition and the role of preventing the errors that might emerge from the linguistic of the shar'i nass by using the case of "Sarikah Verse".

Authors and Affiliations

Mustafa Ölmez


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  • EP ID EP601715
  • DOI 10.33420/marife.415014
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How To Cite

Mustafa Ölmez (2018). The Role of Hadiths in the Preclusion of Errors Caused by the Linguistic Intepretation of Adilla-i Shariyyah - the Case of Sarikah Verse. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(1), 259-278.