The role of oxytocin in the process of forming attachment and in the social functioning in schizophrenia
Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 4
The purpose of this article is to present the relevance of oxytocin to various mental functions. Much attention is paid to mechanisms of forming attachment, styles of attachment in schizophrenia and influence of oxytocin on the course and clinical picture of this illness. This review would be based on the available literature. In the beginning, we present a general definition of oxytocin, its source and functions based on the research done in the fields of neuroecology and neuropsychology. Also, the styles of biological bases of attachment are discussed, as well as their impact on social functioning of people suffering from mental disorders. In this case, the research was done using animal models, as well as human study and clinical analysis of chosen forms of attachment disorders. The importance of early experience on selected brain parameters is also shown. Furthermore, the article portrays the influence of oxytocin on the clinical image and course of schizophrenia, the possibility of using this hormone in therapy, and limitations that follow. Modern-day research on the subject of therapeutic use of oxytocin and its impact on the mechanics of creating social bonds, provides a lot of valuable information contributing to improved efficiency of treating schizophrenia and other mental disorders that hinder social functioning.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Buszewicz, Hanna Karakuła-Juchnowicz, Agnieszka Pelczarska-Jamroga
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