The role ofpassive stiffness ofthe hamstnng muscies in body stability processes
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 3
Two closely interrelated concepts of the biokinematic link have emerged in recent years. One of them divides human muscies functionally into stabilizing and motor ones, while the other concept describes three closely cooperating subsystems which, in a normal individual, function to secure an adeąuate level of stabilization. Each ofthese concepts can be linked with the notion of passive muscle stiffness. However, the majority of publications concerning stabilization processes seems to attach little importance to this property This paper introduces the concepts of development and role of increased passive stiffness of the hamstring muscies in the stabilization process. Basing on neurophysiological mechanisms, the authors present the latest research results, the mechanisms behind increased passive stiffness and ways of reducing it.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Kuszewski, Edward Saulicz, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Tomasz Wolny
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