The scientific and theoretical substantiation for directions of the marketing communication activity development of the pharmaceutical market subjects in the context of the concept of the social and ethical promotion


Aim. To substantiate scientifically and theoretically and improve the applied regulations and recommendations concerning directions for developing the marketing communication activity of the pharmaceutical market subjects in the context of the concept of the social and ethical promotion of medicines to the market. Materials and methods. The research is based on modern marketing concepts; scientific papers of national and foreign authors in the field of the marketing communicative activity at the pharmaceutical market; official materials of the state, national and international organizations; the legislative and regulatory framework for governing the pharmaceutical business in Ukraine. A set of scientific knowledge methods such as analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, analogy and comparison, as well as the marketing research methods were used. Results. The results of the study are in elaborating the main social and ethical marketing structural concepts, defining their objectives and implementation instruments. It has been specified that all social and ethical marketing concepts contain the basic principle of marketing – “consumer orientation”, which is supplemented by orientation towards the system of the parties concerned (suppliers, investors, shareholders, state structures, employees, competitors). The objective of each of the abovementioned structural marketing concepts determines the transformation of the instruments, which effective application is possible only if the pharmaceutical business is conducted on the social and ethical marketing principles. Conclusions. The research conducted has shown that the social and ethical orientation of the marketing communication activity of the pharmaceutical market subjects is focused on studying the consumers’ demands in order to optimize the pharmaceutical care and to provide the physical, assortment, information and economic availability of medicines; it is a guarantee of higher life quality of an individual, well-being of the society as a whole and the market stability of the pharmaceutical market subjects.

Authors and Affiliations

A. B. Olkhovska, V. V. Malyi


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  • EP ID EP671069
  • DOI 10.24959/sphhcj.18.130
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How To Cite

A. B. Olkhovska, V. V. Malyi (2018). The scientific and theoretical substantiation for directions of the marketing communication activity development of the pharmaceutical market subjects in the context of the concept of the social and ethical promotion. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 4(4), 66-75.