The significance of e-learning in the process of knowledge and innovation management in an enterprise


The aim of the article is to present the significance of e-learning in the process of knowledge and innovation management in a firm and the presentation of the findings of empirical research, namely defining the innovation capacity of firms. Enterprises are divided here into those which use e-learning (category A) and those which do not use e-learning (category B). The basic problem presented in the article is the recognition of the innovation capacity gap, which is a difference between the desired innovation potential and the potential the firm actually has. The thesis was assumed that e-learning is a method of improving organisation and management fulfilling relevant cognitive and formal criteria, the method designata. The second thesis contains the claim that goal-specific and methodical acquisition and application of knowledge is increasingly more possible via the Internet with the use of e-learning technology. The set of the key determinants of innovation capacity being the basis of this capacity assessment system was isolated during two-stage own research. In the discussed case, 12 assessment criteria were adopted, to which appropriate assessment weights and scales were assigned, and then a model of enterprise innovation capacity assessment was presented. The empirical part of the article verifies the innovation capacity concept and shows the empirical research findings which were presented in the innovation capacity assessment chart.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Kozioł


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How To Cite

Michał Kozioł (2017). The significance of e-learning in the process of knowledge and innovation management in an enterprise. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 34(2), 83-98.